And the winner is.....


I wanted to thank all those who entered! I definitely have a great list of suggestions! Thank you all so much!!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

As Promised, I am offering a Give - A - Way on my site!! I will be doing a random drawing.

The winner will receive 4 personalized templates. These templates will be designed by the winner and will be theirs to keep. These special designed templates will be yours.... one of a kind!! Also included with the templates are headers to match. The templates can be made all at once or throughout the year.

To win, simply add a comment to this post (click on "GIVE - A - WAY" up at the top of this blog to leave a comment). Please let me know what ideas you would have for my site. Template suggestions, colors, give- a- ways.... whatever you want!! What do you want to see? In order to win, you must post a comment. Please include your email address so I can get in contact with you or your blog address.

The give-a-way will end Saturday, January 24th at 11:59 pm Mountain Time. I will be posting the winner on Delightful Dots Sunday, January 25th. Please email me if you have any questions.

Happy Blogging!!


SarahAnne said...

Wow! What a great and generous giveaway! I don't have any suggestions as I think you have such a great variety of backgrounds to choose from already, and I am so NOT creative. One thing I just thought of would be sports backgrounds. I like to throw those on depending what season it is and what my kids are playing. Other than that, you have done a great job!! Thanks again for being so generous with everything you've already done!

saffl at hotmail dot com

Sandie said...

Hi, I stumbled upon your blog one day and noticed that you didn't have the "other" name at the top for backgrounds. I have used many of your backgrounds...but I love your headers. That was the first thing I loved about your blog. How creative your headers are. I would love to see more headers!

My daughter and daughter-in-law also us your backgrounds. Thanks for your creativity. I know I love seeing something different and you've provided that!

Unknown said...

So I found your blog and I absolutely love the layouts and headers. I would love to see some more headers along with some layouts that have some purple, green, yellow, blue and maybe even orange.
Thanks for all the work that you do for the wonderful layouts!

Tiffany Collins said...

Ok so I am in love with your designs. So so cute. I have been looking for some more rustic looking ones or some with rustic oranges. I love the scrapbook style kind as well. anything you do would be great but to have it custom to me would be even better!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us! Good luck on picking a winner. I hope it will be ME :) ha ha take care.

Danielle said...

You have some gorgeous designs. I would like to see more "neutral" blog designs. I have a little girl and a little boy and would like something not too feminine or masculine.

eric_danielle at netzero dot com

Lacy, Cody, & the girls said...

Thanks for sharing your cute ideas & backgrounds with all of us bloggers! They are always so cute & there is always something new. I would like to see maybe more of the "buttons" or the little sayings we could add to the sidebars of our blogs. (with the seasons or whatnot). They are always fun & add a little something to our blogs.
Thanks for the giveway!
Good luck to everyone!

The Jacobsen's said...

You have some darling designs. I would love to see some more headers. I can't wait to see some more designs as spring gets closer. Even a background for the upcoming Superbowl.

You do great work and your giveaway sounds great!

Chelsea said...

I can't imagine a give away, since everything on your site is already free! I am fairly recent to blogging (less than a year) and one of my favorite things to do is to change my background every so often. And I love the ones you offer so much, I change it almost every other day! I can't decide, they area all so cute! My thoughts on suggestions would be that I would like to see some backgrounds that are music themed- such as The Beatles, or other favorite bands. And it would also be really cool to be able to use personal pictures as a collage for the background.

I love your style! You have such an eye for the perfect layouts! Thanks so much for making blogging so fun!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog and would LOVE some custom blog designs! I love what you have done so far.

Kim said...

I LOVE your site! The designs are so fun, cute and you have such a great variety, plus they are so easy to change, so I find myself changing the background of my blog...A LOT! I guess if there were any suggestions, maybe little boy designs, not baby boy, but toddler, like firetrucks, or something... But you really have such great ones, I don't find myself wishing for others. Thanks for all that you do, and you great creativity, cause heavens knows I am not this creative : )


Martha said...

I just found you today, because my cousin is using one of your backgrounds. Thanks for making so many cute *free* templates! I would like to see more cool, turquoise, denim blue, etc. I love your style.

Andrea said...

you have the cutest layouts ever! i love the scrapbook look your layouts have...soooo cute!:)
i agree with everyone else, your headers are amazing and i also would love to see more of them! we just had a baby boy so i was thinking, more baby layouts would be fun! also, my hubby is a cowboy so some more rustic layouts would be fun too!

Melissa said...

Hi, I absolutely LOVE your back grounds! I really don't have any suggestions, all I can say is keep up with all of the holidays & seasonal backgrounds. They are my favorite! I have used other backgrounds, & these ones are the cutest! Again, Thank you for all of the hard work!

Brenna said...

I love delightful dots. There is such a variety and its hard to decide which fun design to use. I would love to win!!

Berry Family said...

Such fun! Your background are such cute ones & different. Love the styles & love how they are like scrapbook pages!

Mike and Leslie said...

I love love love your layouts. They are so cute and I love your headers. Keep up the fantastic job.

rowberryfamly at gmail dot com

Pyper said...

This is a great idea to do !! I love your site and all it has to offer us bloggers. Your designs are always so darling. I love how the stuff you use has a texture and depth look, it gives our blogs character. I love that you design headers as well. Keep up the good work. thanks for all you've done :)

Kori said...

Your site is so fun! I love all of your backgrounds. More matching headers would be fun, too. The give-a-way sounds awesome, sure hope I win!

Sara Kinney said...

I love your site!!! I have used a couple of your backgrounds so far and can't wait to use more.
A background that I would love would have something to do with Drag Racing as our family is very big into it!!!
I also love a general sports idea!
Thanks for doing such an awesome giveaway!!!

Our Family said...

I just found your site yesterday. I really love your backgrounds. I changed my background yesterday to one of you Valentine themes and now I want to change it again with your new additions. So cute. I wish I saw your Christmas ones a couple months ago. Anyway, I don't have any suggestions now. I am excited for your drawing. Thanks so much!


Brittney Smith said...

I just found your site, and absolutly love it. You have the cutest templates!! Thanks so much for the Giveaway!!

Amy said...

I love your templates and get so many compliments on the one I'm using. I can't wait to write up a post about you and share it with all my friends! You are very talented and creative.

Nield Moments said...

I just recently found your site through my sister & immediatley fell in love with it! You have so many cute backgrounds, you really have an eye for this. I would love to see one that is western or cowboy.

Thank you for the chance to win!

Doty Family said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your templates. So creative and cute. I would so love to win this. Thank you for making the template with the bird! That was me who requested it. I need to put it on, but it will probably be after Valentines day.

Hanberg's said...

I love your templates! The colors are so retro, just my style. Are you able to create "blinkees" to match your layouts? Just an idea. I'd love to win!! gmhanberg at msn dot com

Jenna said...
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Jenna said...

I love all your backgrounds, a print I really like is damask so it would be fun to see some in vintage damask style? Keep up your adorable work!

Leah said...

FUN! I don't have any suggestions but would love to be in the drawing! Very cute stuff!

lhhadley said...

I love your layouts... so cute! My only suggestion would be to make more "boyish" ones. So many free layouts that you find everywhere are very cute but very girly. I live with all boys, so I try not to make my stuff look real girly. Love all that you have done! Thanks!

Ty & Em said...

I love your website! You are so creative! I would love wakeboarding more summery theme my family is always going to Lake Powell, and going swimming! Honestly I love what you do! Thanks again!!

Seth and Emry Gubler said...

I think your blogs are so cute!

Sylvia said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your templates and as soon as I posted one of them everyone on my blog list cahnged theirs too! I like to have a lot of verity...expecially when its a holiday, I like to chane often. I have no ideas for you cuz you already have very cute ones!

Ben and Amanda said...

I was never quite satisfied with my backgrounds and then I found yours, so now that is all that I use. My favorites are the headers so maybe add a few more of those.

Amanda said...

I just found your site and love, love, love your backgrounds! I can't decide which one to choose. I would like to see you offer headers as well...are they hard to do?? Thanks!!

Sasha said...

I LOVE your backgrounds! I only use your beautiful creations! I think your give a way is a great idea!

Boualay said...
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Liz Wilcken said...

How fun!!! I just discovered this webpage. Haven't had a chance to look at them all yet, but very excited too! I'd like to see more baby backgrounds :) I can't believe how many Valentine's ones you have. I think more than anyone else I've seen! You're amazing!

Jodi said...

I absolutely LOVE all of your layouts, templates and designs! They are all so cute and I have used many of them. I got really excited when I read what your giveaway was! I have 3 granddaughters (which my blog is all about of course!) and I would love to be able to put a cute header on my blog with their pictures and names! You are so talented to be able to create like you do. I love pinks and browns and the fancy font (calligraphy, etc) If I am lucky enough to be able to get one I would be thrilled! My daughters both love your layouts as well....keep up the great work. Thanks again and keep up the creative work!

Jenn said...

I love, love, love all your layouts! They're so cute and fun and creative!

Rip Curl Mom said...

I love all of your backgrounds. I would also like to see more headers. Darling!

Tonya Lee said...

I have a homeschooling blog and ould like to see something school themed but cool or trendy, maybe with non-traditional school colors. I admire your work!

David and Shannon Work said...

i just found your blog and am terribly excited! you really know your stuff.. i love every layout! I'm a frequent layout changer and there just aren't enough sites out there!! your's is one of the best I've seen... love the colors you use and everything.... thanks for making these layouts! i'm going to add you to my blog list so that I can keep up with them thanks.

Melissa and Mitch said...

This is fun. I am so glad i found your blog all my friend get their backgrounds from the same place. so i am way excited to have options. I really like your layouts and the headers how they match and have options for the layouts. Such a great idea

Stephanie said...

I love your backgrounds. I would like if you had cute buttons to put on the side.

Kellie said...

Your site is so awesome! I love all of your designs, but I came on today looking for some cute pink and brown layouts! Thanks for sharing all you've done!

M+J=K3+E said...

I just found your blog and I LOVE IT. You are amazing. They are too cute. I love seasonal templates, black templates, as well as brown ones. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

I came across your site and love it. You have really cute templates. I love the colors red, black, and green together. And some cute buttons of your site to put on my blog to advertise would be great. You have done a great job.

Tiffany said...

Love your blog. And what a great give away. I would want more different vintage styles. That would be great. THanks again for this.

Beki Jo said...

Thnaks so much for such great templates!! I love your work and am always checking back here to for a new and original background. Because I have a 3 column blog it's so nice to see that there are a few templates for me to chose from. I hope I win!!

Jennie Minor said...

This made my day!!! Your templates are the cutest that I have seen. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this.

My blog is set to private, so if by chance I win this, please email me at

Positively Creative! said...

How fun!! I love your ideas and creative talent...I am really into damask red, black and white with polka this with bright colors too like hot pink, bright turquoise and greens!!

The Lively's said...

I love all of your backgrounds! I think just keep up what your doing! I am so excited that they are free! That is so nice of you! They are very cute! Thanks

I like the headers that match! I would like to be able to put my family picture in the header! I don't know how to do that? If you could tell people how to do that, that would be awesome!

Tinsley said...

This is such a nice thing that you are doing. I think you have such creative ideas already, but maybe some more vintage looking layouts and matching headers. I love the headers and would like to see more of them, if can. Maybe more "boyish" backgrounds too. I was also thinking maybe some Disney characters, if thats possible. Thank you again for being so generous. I hope to win this giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love all of your new Valentine backgrounds!!! I love tropical backgrounds for summer:) Your vintage backgrounds are so awesome though it is so hard to choose!!! Thank you for sharing your talents here on Delightful Dots:)

Janaca said...

I'm excited about your give-a-way! I love you site and have used it constantly since I found it. I love the kind of backgrounds you've done in the past. I love the seasonal ones and I would like to see some more backgrounds for baby boys or baby girls. Thanks!

Lisa said...

You are VERY TALENTED and so nice to offer so many blog templates for free...and now a give-a-way...WOW! I love the templates I've seen so far. I'd love to see more templates with matching headers as well as some 3 column templates. Keep up the good work! I'd love to win your give-a-way!

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've been to this site. It was recommended by a friend. I'm really loving all these beautiful templates! Do you make three coloumn templates or are they only two coloumn? I'd also love to see templates directed towards hobbies. I love to crochet and a yarn background of some sort would be a lot of fun. One without cats preferably. I love cats I just get tired of everything yarn I see having a cat attatched to it. I know crochet isn't the only hobby out there. I just think a hobbies section would be a lot of fun. Thanks for hosting a giveaway! I'd love to win but who wouldn't right?

Anonymous said...

I am still new to blogging. Since I have found your site I only use your background templates I just love them, Thanks for giving them to us for free. The only suggestion I have is backgrounds for the male species. I am a single momand when my boys get on our blog they complain that it is so girlie. Since I do change my background frequently a few boy backgrounds would be great.
Thanks, Annetta

Nina said...

this IS a great giveaway. you know what is of interest to me - different fonts and putting in pictures...I'm kinda clueless when it comes to this stuff and I see others do that on their blogs and to do that?

Kreanna said...

First off, I love your blog already! I think it's wonderful that you are sharing your talent with us! And a give away too! Sweet! I really don't have any suggestions for you, as I love all that you have done so far. I do love your headers. And a picture collage for a background would be cool, too. I like a bunch of different things, so, variety is always a plus. Thanks again!!

Cindy said...

I think it would be neat to have more blogging tips listed on your website. Ya know, like simple things that a lot of people may not know about.

The Wilson Crew said...

Love that you have headers to go along with the templates. I would like to see more orange and greens and purples. Love, Love, Love this blog. thanks for the great give away.

The Hovers said...

Hi. I have really liked your backgrounds, too. I would like more headers to match the templates. (maybe you have them but I am not very computer illiterate!) Thanks for your creativity.

Heidi said...

i'm just glad there are people out there like you willing to share their talents and help those of us that really struggle with the creative, cutsie stuff! Your site is adorable! Thanks!

Abby said...

Wow! What great templates. I am no help for you. Everything is great. I wish I knew how to do it. Can you put a picture with the headers?

joni said...

Love your site and I love the backgrounds! I also am in love with the headers, could you please add more! Thanks,Joni

Sherrie said...

I love your blog!! My girlfriend just showed it to me!!! WOW!!!! you are very talented!!!!!!!!! Your stuff is beautiful!!!! I would love to see more headers!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the give Away!!!!!!!!

Syd said...

I love your site. It's very cute. I love that others are making their own sites, not just tcbotb....I say just keep up the great work. I usually choose backgrounds that are themed with the month, season.

Keep up the creativity

yyendyss at yahoo dot com

Kaylee said...

I LOVE your site, obviously, I have your templates for 2 of my blogs! I would love to see some more food themes (lots of people, including me, have recipe blogs now), and maybe more family-themed ones--tailored w/ little cute stick people to represent the people in your family, and family quotes on the headers. You're awesome, thanks for all you do!

Kimberly said...

I love your designs! There are so many great ones. One thing I'm looking for is something really cute for a family with boys and girls (I usually have to pick either blues or pinks). I'm not sure how you could do that without it being weird... But I love your site no matter what and I'll continue to use it!

Daughter of The King said...

Wow! You are too kind! 1st of all, I love your designs! I would definetely love to see more Country templates. I'm a country girl! Not cowboys and lassos...more along the lines of primitive, Americana, shabby chic...KWIM? Thank you so much for this awesome offer...and having such a great blog!

Jaimie said...

Love your layouts. So cute! Is it possible to make a header we could add pictures to? Also, how would it be to make cute backgrounds for minima stretch? I love the stretched blogs but there are NO cute backgrounds so you end up just having to do a plain color and try to spice up the header. Anyway, just a thought. Thanks!


Kylie said...

I absolutely love your backgrounds! I found your website by accident one day and have loved using your backgrounds on my blog every since. You are so great to share these with everyone! Keep them coming.

Kylie said...

Oops...forgot my e-mail address.

Amy said...

I love your headings! I would like to see more of those. Also maybe a few pages with some cute owls! Here's some inspiration! I love this owl


Kimberly said...

Oh, I hope I win. I would love a background for our family blog. Email is: BRKYL7@MSN.COM


PML said...
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I love your blog, I love the ideas and background you have!! I'm new at this bloging thing and I enjoy changing my background 2 or 3 times a week and it is fun to look at all your backgrounds. I would like to see more headers to go with your backgrounds. Thanks for your hard work!!!!!!!!!

PML said...

Wow, there are a lot of comments! I know the chances of winning are slim, but I'll still go for it. Today is my first day visiting your blog. There are so many cute Valentine's backgrounds that I had a hard time choosing. So far it has been the easiest website I've used to change my background. I wish I had some amazingly creative advice for you, but I will just tell you thanks! And I will be sure to tell my friends about your site. my blog is

The Finlays said...

Your site is great. I just found it and I love it already. I love to be able to change my blog with the seasons and holidays. I would just say keep up the great work. I would love to see more headers as well. Those are always fun.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! look at all those comments! How awesome Amy! And to agree with everyone... I love your stuff! yay

Murdock Family said...

I would so love to win this giveaway!! I think some pink and brown backgrounds would be so cute! Thanks for great backgrounds!!!

Murdock Family said...

I forgot my email. kambrea_marie at msn dot com

LacyAsher#1 said...

My friend told me about your blog when I was struggling to get a cute background. I love yours so much. They are so cute. I can't understand exactly how to use the headers yet. Like putting my picture in them and stuff, but I love your site.

Amber Lee said...

I love your backgrounds! I just came across your page a couple weeks ago, but it's my new favorite! I would love to see some accessories for blogs, like blinkies and stuff!
brunjesbiz at yahoo dot com

Rita said...

Mercy me. My secret is no longer a secret!! I love your backgrounds and headers and I'm glad I'm not the only one. Pick me, pick me! :)

KJenx said...

More headers to go with the seasonal backgrounds. Love the backgrounds and headers! Thanks for makin it easy to have a cool blog.

lovingmytwoboys said...

Great Giveaway! I love your headers you are doing now. All your templates are great. I would like to see more buttons designs. Love the scrapbook look to your designs. Keep up the good work!

Brenda said...

Wow! Thanks! I would love to win!
I would love to see more crafty layouts for the crafter who likes to CREATE! For example, Home decor, sewing, crafts, holiday crafts etc.
I love colored backgrounds. If you have a great layout and it is in white only, offer the same layout with a colored background!

You are doing a great job! I love your layouts, thanks for offerning them to all of us, we appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog layouts. I do have one suggestion though. I don't know if it's even something you could do or not. I always have a hard time finding the right font color to match the backgrounds. I think if there was a way to have the right colors built into the html code it would help me out a lot! That way it looks perfect! Thanks for always making my blog look cute!

My email is:

The Henry's said...
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The Henry's said...

Your layouts are so cute! I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago, and I love it! I am so excited you are doing a give-away! Your layouts are super cute already, but if I would give any suggestions, make more with polka dots and buttons! I love both of those things! Thanks again for making such cute layouts for everyone to use! :)

Anonymous said...

I love all of your backgrounds! Way cute stuff!!! I don't have any suggestions just keep doing what your doing!!

Lori said...

I love your site. I love gerbera daisies in red and would love to find a background like that. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

What a thrill! I just found you this week and LOVE your designs!
Good luck to me and everyone else!
gabrielleswaner at gmail dot com

Renée said...

Found your site through a friend. Great ideas! I would like to see more headers, also things like a Manhattan Skyline, Daffodils and kites for Spring,and more sophisticated choices. Your backgrounds and headers are really nice. Thanks.

Steph said...

I found your website thru another blog, and I love it! You do a great job! seshoffman at cableone dot net

Tabatha said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your beautiful artwork!!! I really like the headers and the blinkies! I have a habit of changing my families private blog everyother day just because you have sooooo many cute backgrounds! Hahahaha My email is : Thanks again so much for sharing your talents with all of us!

Michelle said...

You have great stuff! Thanks for keeping it free. I personally am looking for more simple, but colorful templates. You have a few in that category that I love already, but would love to see some more!

heinerfamily (at) gmail (dot) com

J-Babe said...

I like the backgrounds that include a header to match them, it gives a blog a more unique and fun look. I think you have great color schemes, thanks for doing this!

J.L Schofield, Independent Scentsy Consultant said...

How fun!
I would love to see some black background with big bright flowers (like gerber daisys), so the focus stays on the photographs, but still has a fun look. I think it's fun when blogs change with the seasons. Maybe you could have a template where just the headers and little images that change with the seasons! That way people don't have to change their whole layout, but just the "holiday" or "seasonal" parts would be updated!
Have a wonderful day!
J.L Schofield

J.L Schofield, Independent Scentsy Consultant said...

Hi,! I just left a comment, but wanted to add--CUPCAKES! I'd love to see more cupcake templates!
I think your headers are so fun!!

Heather said...

Wow! You have becoming amazingly famous in such a short time. Are you feeling pretty good about yourself? You should be! Your templates are so much fun. I love the color orange, so more orange templates would be great for me :) Love ya!

Farmgirl Chaos said...

I enjoy your layouts very much. But sometimes I struggle with finding on that isn't too 'busy'. I love the shabby/chic/country look, but sometimes I don't want all the excess things on it.
Also, if you could do some tutorials on how to make your own backgrounds, that'd be great as well!
Thanks for sharing your talents!

Tayler said...

I like PoKolA doTs!

Tayler said...
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Tayler said...
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Veronica Tyler said...

I love your backgrounds!

I would like some buttons or blinky things, I like neutral colors, and have certainly been impressed by your designs! Thanks!

I do like to add a little Flare to my blog - so little sayings, or seasonal wishes would compliment the headers/backgrounds.


Amanda said...


I was soo happy to stop by and see that your Valentines layouts were here! I just love your designs. Your blog layouts have traveled FAST though out my little circle of blogging friends everyone that sees it loves them!

Diana S said...

phew. I hope I'm not too late! great giveaway! Please enter my name to be picked in your giveaway drawing.
Stop by and enter mine when you have time if you haven't done so yet.

Kevin & Joy Herring said...

I love your backgrounds. I am pretty new to the whole blog world and love finding more and more ways to be creative on my blog. I have not seen headers before, they are great!

Amber said...

WOW, love the blog, fantastic headers, what a very generous give away.

Christi said...

I love your templates! I think you are amazingly creative! My email is christibodrero at gmail dot com.

**nicke... said...

i found your blog and have been a delightful dots stalker ever since. i love your templates so much more than other sites. yours are so much more my style... thanks for the fun giveaway! and i hope i win!

The Obstinant Family said...

Well I guess I will send my email for the drawing, it sounds AwEsOmE. ( But I'm also really happy that I found a spot on your blog to leave you a comment about your layouts. I think they are absoletly GoRgEoUs!!! You have so many to choose from that I like. I actually just changed my layout and my header so I need to keep it for at least another week before I change again. LOL
But I added you to my many other people that do free blog layouts as well. Thank You so much for giving your free time to make others so happy with there blog layouts. Me as one of them. Oh, I actually liked your template and header that you had before you just chanded it. Once again, Thanks!;)

The Sutherland Family said...

Your templates are so cute! I would suggest maybe doing a few more simple ones, I really like simple. Thanks!

April said...

I just stumbled across your site from a friend and I am so impressed that I am going to change my background right now! I love it! Thanks for all the free templates! I would love for you to customize my blog (it's lackin so much right now)

Shane and Amy Jo said...

I love your templates because they look more like a real scrapbook page. I'm a fan of rustic colors rather than bright. I would love for some more rustic blue templates!

I would love, love, LOVE to win your giveaway!!! I've always wanted a more personalized blog...espcially the header. I would promote you 'til I die if I win!!!:)

Anonymous said...

I love how you give so many different selections. I would like to see more headers to go along, but I understand these take a lot of time to make. I LOVE THIS SITE! Thanks for having free backgrounds...they really make blogging fun!

Kayla said...

I LOVE your templates! But, I would like to see some more modern templates. I love the cuteness of all the templates, but I think putting a modern twist with cute, will be popular! Thanks for posting what you have done though! It makes it easy and fun for us to make our blogs reflect our personality!

bevany said...

Yay for a giveaway! I was so excited when I found your site. Your christmas ones were my favorite. I love polka dots, also more purples would be great. Or even black and white ones too.My daughter asks for a high school musical one, or disney ones. Thanks for what you do, they are great!

MegHaNE said...

This is exciting that your doing a giveaway! I LOVE that idea! I hope that you will do more in the future! Thanks again for all your work and your cute designs! I love the headers!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

I found your blog from a friend who had a template of yours as her background. I am totally in love with your designs. You are so talented! I would love to see more backgrounds with blues and browns, then more with teal blues, oranges, lime green and yellows. I'm totally thinking of summer. Great time to have a giveaway!! Thanks

Sunny Ridge R.S. said...

Like others - I found your ADORABLE blog backgrounds on a friends blog. I LOVE the headers that you have with certain backgrounds - those are great. I also love to tinker around with digital scrapping and I recognize some of the papers but others I don't - it would be good to know where they came from. I perfer middle backgrounds that are lighter in color, so text is easier to read. Thanks you again!!

Sharp4sure said...

What a great site!!!! Your templates are very unique!! Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us. So, I'm looking forward to visiting this site quite often!!

Annell said...

I just found your sight! Sooo cute!! Any St. Patrick's Day ideas?

Jade said...

i love your site!!! so many cute backgrounds! I would maybe just suggest more with headers? i love the backgrounds that have matching ones to go with. Maybe more star backgrounds or cowgirl/cowboy. Thanks for your hard work!!!

The Blackham3 said...

I have been a FAN since you began! I have used your backgrounds and LOVE them. I recommend you to all my friends, and would love to have your talented one of a kind work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for this opportunity!

The Richard Report said...

I love your blog. Your templates are darling and I get lots of Compliements when I use them. As for templates ideas I think you have a wonderful selection. I can't think of anything to add. Thanks for the give-a-way! my email is

Karl Schempp said...

I absolutley love your backgrounds! They are all adorable! I really like the ones that have a few that are similar and a matching header. What a great idea. I don't have much to suggest, just keep up the fantastic work! I could so use this prize for my new crafting blog.

Jennie said...

You do great work. Thanks!

I would love more holiday themed templates.

Also, I love damask designs and would love something like that...especially in bright baby blue and bright red coordinating accents.

jlash at


Love Give a ways!!! I just discovered your blog and now use it for my template, so cute. I think an african theme template would be cute and you could do a lot with it.

Chelle said...

I just love your site and your designs! I just want to keep seeing more and more of what you got. What talent! Sincerely Chelle
bcnuttz (at) comcast (dot) net

M+J=K3+E said...

I wanted to thank you for your cute templates and the help you provide. I have always wanted to remove the border around the header and couldn't figure out how to do it. Thanks to your help my blog is so much cuter and better looking. Thanks again for your cute templates and the help you offer! You are awesome!

P.S. I have already left a comment for the giveaway, but didn't see where I could leave another comment :)

Carianne said...

Love Love Love it all! Especially your headers.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for the giveaway! I hope I win! Lol.. I love your site! You have such an amazing talent! :)

Daniel and Belinda said...

How can anyone turn down a give-a-way?? I love your templetes, and look forward to all the new ones you are continually making!!